Since the inception of Raising Hope for Others, Inc. (RHO) in 2009, we have had the true pleasure of meeting and helping to alleviate financial burdens of more than 10 recipients and their families as they focus on their well being. These individuals have inspired us with their bravery, strength and kindness, and we are grateful to be able to call them part of the RHO family. Over the years, we have also faced heartache as some of these individuals have now become angels watching over us, inspiring us to continue to live out RHO’s mission.
Debra Musolino, 2012 Recipient
Amidst the fall out of the 2008 recession, Debra was let go from a company that she worked at for over 20 years. As a result, she found herself without her health insurance and shortly after she also received the diagnosis she had stage 3C ovarian cancer. She was a wonderful mother of two special daughters, Jennifer and Christina, and grandmother to many grandchildren. RHO focused their 2012 efforts to help alleviate her financial burden to help give her the room to focus on her treatment efforts. In 2015, Debra passed away peacefully surrounded by family.
"Six years ago we lost our beloved mother, Debra Musolino of Manalapan, to ovarian cancer at the young age of 59. We were so blessed & thankful to Raising Hope for Others for providing financial assistance to our mother by honoring her as a recipient. She was so stressed with medical bills and keeping up with daily financial responsibilities all while battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. The burden that was lifted from her will forever be remembered and we will always continue to support Raising Hope for Others and future recipients in honor & memory of our beloved mother and grandmother of four grandchildren that miss her very much each and everyday. Our mother left a very strong mark on this world and everyone she ever met - encouraging them to always continue to Love Life and live it to the fullest every single day of our lives."
- Jennifer and Christina, Debra’s daughters
Marie DeWoolf, 2017 Recipient

Marie battled two autoimmune diseases and multiple myeloma for over twelve years. She enjoyed family activities, entertaining loved ones and being an active member of the school PTO. She was so thankful to be able to experience many highlights including seeing her oldest daughter graduate and get married, her son achieving Honor Society and preparing for graduation, and her youngest daughter blossoming into a beautiful young woman. Marie was blessed with a loving husband, Keith, who saw her through her illnesses. She believed that one should never give up, and always believe in yourself and the love of others. RHO provided assistance to offset medical costs as Marie continued to battle her multiple diagnoses. Throughout the years Marie and her family remained a mainstay of the RHO family by attending multiple events throughout the years. As Marie’s health declined further, she passed away in late August 2021 leaving her beloved husband and three children with special memories of the times they had together.

Sharon Condiracci, 2021 Recipient
In 2015, Sharon received the devastating news she had breast cancer. With treatments becoming “new normal”, she was determined to not let the cancer define her everyday life and focused on becoming a “Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver”. She strove to embrace each day, not sweating the small stuff and when those inevitable “bad days” would pop up, she told herself it’s still a great day because she woke up! Sharon worked at Make-A-Wish New Jersey for a little over 3 years where she found joy and peace. Her colleagues and the Senior Management team at Make-A-Wish were among her biggest cheerleaders, along with her family, friends and the RHO community. RHO’s support helped her focus on her treatments. Unfortunately, shortly after the August 2021 RHO golf outing in Sharon’s honor, her disease overtook her body. She is deeply missed by her family and friends.

Edward Berman, husband of Patrice Berman, RHO Trustee
Ed graciously served as Raising Hope for Others’ in-house photographer at the annual FUNdraising events lightening the loads for the trustees to focus on the fundraising efforts and supporting that year’s recipient. Ed was lost too early to pancreatic cancer in 2017, and he is greatly missed by his wife, four children and the RHO family. In memorial of Ed, The Leaving a Legacy project was created. Learn more about how to get involved here.

Elizabeth (Beth) Puskas, 2022 Recipient
Elizabeth (Beth) Puskas was our 2022 recipient. After being hospitalized with kidney failure in March 2022, she was diagnosed with ovarian and uterine cancer. Despite treatment she passed away on July 17, 2022. Beth was an active supporter and volunteer with Raising Hope for Others, Inc. from its inception in 2009. She participated in all the yearly fundraising events and was truly a key member of Raising Hope for Others.
Beth was beloved by all who had the privilege of meeting her. She thoroughly enjoyed making those around her laugh - and not one of those little chuckles, rather the type of laugh that could make you cry and leave your abs hurting for hours after. She was devoted to her friends and family, always making time for those she cared about.
Beth’s contagious positivity, fun-loving energy, and selflessness will be missed deeply. However, the amazing memories that she has brought into countless lives will never fade.